How to Tackle Dry Air in Your Home in the Winter

Spring is on its way and we are still suffering from some colder days and mostly cold nights. Winter can be a lot of fun for those who enjoy playing in the snow or skiing but when it comes to your home air quality and comfort, winter months can be tough to get...

Exhaust Fans are Essential to Your Home Comfort

The air quality in your home is very much dependent on the exhaust fans and system for controlling the air in your home by letting the bad air out and keeping the good air inside. Some homes just have exhaust fan systems in the kitchen and bathroom while others have...

Everything You Need to Know About Furnace Filters in Ottawa

Your furnace filter is a critical component of your home heating and cooling system and helps to maintain proper functioning of your furnace as well as to maintain good air quality in your home. Many homeowners have a lot of questions when it comes to their home HVAC...

Everything You Need to Know About Water Heaters

Water heaters are an essential part of every home. They provide hot water for comfortable showers or baths, allow us to clean our clothes and dishes as well as providing a reliable source of hot water for other chores. Many companies offer hot water heaters on a...

February HVAC maintenance checklist

Well we’ve all noticed that the weather has been a little bit up and down in Ottawa over the last few weeks as spring is on its way but winter hasn’t quite finished yet in the nation’s capital. So what do you do with your home heating and cooling...