Weatherstripping your home simply means detecting and rectifying your home’s air leaks in an effort to ensure that you’re getting the best out of your heating or cooling systems. There are a number of ways that you can weatherstrip your home’s door and windows to ensure that your air conditioning unit doesn’t have to work extra hard to cool your house. The harder your air conditioner has to work, the higher your cooling costs will be. We’ll show you how to avoid that.


  • If there are unnecessary openings on fireplace dampers, doors and windows, you should close them.
  • Lower your cooling costs by setting your thermostat to 780 degrees Fahrenheit. If your thermostat’s temperature, goes down to 720 degrees Fahrenheit, that would up your cooling costs by about 12 to 47 percent.
  • Try not to use your kitchen and bathroom exhaust fans so much.
  • Try not to set the thermostat lower than the temperature that you want when you first turn it on, because it won’t cool quicker. You will be wasting energy and the thermostat will only cool to an unnecessarily lower temperature.
  • If the weather is humid, set the fan speed on low, but if the weather is not humid, set the fan speed high.
  • Try not to place heat-producing appliances, like lamps or televisions near to your thermostat. When they are near to it, it causes the thermostat to work harder or longer to run more than it should.
  • Try not do tasks like cooking and laundering, which generate humidity and heat, during the middle of the day. Do these tasks in the early morning or the late evening time.
  • Keep your storm windows closed and draw your blinds, draperies or shades so that you can keep the sun out when you’re a/c is running.


If you are looking for an experienced and affordable heating and cooling contractor in Ottawa to handle all of your Ottawa HVAC needs, then give us a call to get professional help with your central air conditioner, furnace or fireplace for a complete home comfort experience. We have decades of experience in home heating and cooling and Capital City Heating & Cooling provides all HVAC services including heating & air conditioning installation, repair, service & maintenance in Ottawa and surrounding areas.